Project Management Unit (PMU)
In accordance with the contents of the agreed Minutes of Discussion (MoD) (signed on 18th October 2011), establishment of the Project Management Unit (PMU) has been approved vide Government of West Bengal, Department of Forests’ Resolution No. 2623-For/G/6M-38/12, dated 21.12.2012. PMU shall function for the overall project coordination, procurement management, financial management including collating the expenditure statements from field offices and preparation and submission of reimbursement claims to JICA, monitoring and evaluation, and preparation of reports such as Quarterly Progress Reports (QPR) and Project Completion Report (PCR).
The composition of the PMU is:
Rank | Designation |
Addl. PCCF | Chief Project Director |
CCF | Project Director (Finance) |
CCF | Project Director (M&E) |
CF | Addl. Project Director (Implementation) |
CF | Addl. Project Director (Planning & Research) |
DCF | Joint Project Director (HRD) |
DCF | Joint Project Director (Extension) |
Deputy Secretary | Chief Accounts Officer |
The Secretary of the Society shall act as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Society and Chief Project Director (CPD), West Bengal Forest and Biodiversity Conservation Project (WBFBCP). The Secretary shall be directly responsible for the management of the affairs of the Society, subject to the overall direction, control and superintendence of the Governing Body. The Secretary shall have such further duties, responsibilities and powers as may, from time to time, be entrusted to or conferred upon him by the Governing Body.